I am a videographer and filmmaker

I graduated the University of Southern California as a Renaissance Scholar with a BA in Cinematography and a BA in Religion.  I set out initially as a documentary filmmaker and the Religion degree helped open deeper cultural understanding most everywhere I went.  I later got into producing short films, putting on sold-out short film festivals in Los Angeles, and producing/stage managing live shows that incorporated film, drama, spoken word, music, and more.  When I moved to Seattle I started creating short videos on the side for businesses and artists literally using my Flip camera and/or cell phone footage from my clients that they wanted me to pull together for promotion and marketing.  Though production quality can be hugely beneficial — nothing beats good STORY. 

A couple of recent and older videos using professional equipment to cell phones:

2019 Snohomish County Update. Shown at the large State of the County Address held at Angel of the Winds. (Director, Editor)

Snohomish County: Building and Sustaining Success through Innovation - highlighting all Snohomish County offers especially for Economic Development and drawing new businesses. (Director, Editor)

Snohomish County: Five Parts Whole - highlighting the five districts of the County used for Economic Development and overseas communication. (Director, Editor)

Editor & Director for 2021 Evergreen State Fair commercial.

I was the Executive Producer for the 2019 Evergreen State Fair commercial and led the marketing team for a record breaking 2019 fair.

A few short films I've worked on and been a part of:

I was the Executive Producer of Ice Cream written and directed by Dawn Ahser and Alex Beh.

Assistant Production Coordinator on Turnipseed, the first in trilogy produced by Five Stone Media, Directed by James Duke, and Written by Nathaniel Scoggins. Official Selection and winner of Best Short Film at film festivals around the country.

Producer on Sons of God by Scott Byrns starring Gabriel Lawrence.

I have produced multiple other short films and directed documentaries in my film career as well, contact me for details.

Annual Short Film Festival I Co-Produced in Los Angeles with an amazing team

MOLAFF 2008.jpg
Gabriel Lawrence Cress and Demore.jpg
interviews at MOLAFF.jpg

(Motions by Tim Wood)

MOLAFF 2008 poster.jpg
MOLAFF 2009 poster.jpg
Scott Byrnns at MOLAFF.jpg
food at MOLAFF.jpg
jeff asher on camera.jpg
2009 MOLAFF stage shot.jpg